All posts by Elizabeth Eddy

First Fall Meeting Sept. 18, 2014

Our first meeting for the fall 2014 will feature Alfred Eberle, speaking and demonstrating silk reeling.

Reservations will be made at Buck’s at 5:45 pm for those who wish to eat together and visit beforehand. Everyone is welcome!

We begin to gather at 7 pm at Woodside Church further down Woodside Road, across from the school, beside the library.  The library parking lot is available for our use, and usually too is parking in the school lot.  The program begins at 7:30 pm.

Alfred will show use a mix of modern and antique equipment to carefully unwind silk cocoons onto bobbins. He will talk about warping with silk, show us his collection of naturally dyed silk textiles he has woven, and if possible give us a chance to try our own hand at silk reeling.

Alfred demonstrating silk reeling
Alfred demonstrating silk reeling
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Silk fiber naturally dyed by Alfred
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Guild member trying out silk reeling



We break at 8:30 for refreshments, and complete the meeting with show and tell,

upcoming workshop business and the like.

Summer Meeting Aug. 21, 2014

We’ll meet at our usual location in Woodside Church Parish Hall at 7:30 pm.  Dinner space will be reserved at Buck’s from 5:45 pm and anyone who wishes to, come!

This will be a Round Robin event with demonstrations of felting, plying with a spindle and with a spinning wheel, natural dyes from our own neighborhoods with dyed wool samples, and a special sort of challenge which Kathleen Dickey says is a lot of fun. If you just attended Teresa Ruch’s weaving for draping workshop earlier this month, bring some examples to share. If you’d like to demo a technique not on this list, bring that as well. See you there!