Black Sheep Handweavers Guild currently has study groups freely available to members:
Weaving Study Group
Location: Zoom
Date/Time: 4th Thursday from 7:30 – 9 PM
The Fourth Thursday Study group continues with a regular Zoom meeting, where
attendees share stories, puzzle out current study projects and problems, and show recent
works. The zoom link is on the calendar in the member section of the guild website.
For more information about the study group, or to join, please visit our page.
Creative Endeavors Study Group
Location: tbd
Date/Time: 2nd Saturday 10 AM – noon
This study group is open to everyone. We experiment with all different fiber arts from spinning, weaving, dyeing, jewelry and paper making.
For more information about the study group, or to join, please visit our page.
Spinning Group
Location: tbd
Date/Time: tbd
This group is open to all spinners in the community. We talk about spinning, share techniques, and troubleshoot each other’s spinning problems. Spinning improves with practice; this is a chance to build your skills.
Some of our members are willing to teach beginners, and most of our members are happy to help novice spinners. If you need specific help, join the email list and inquire if anyone will be attending that can help you.
This is a non-hosted group without a regular meeting time or place. Meetings are announced to the email list a few weeks in advance by whoever wishes to host a meeting. Meetings occur in parks, at members’ homes, or in local coffee shops. Between meetings, there are occasional questions and conversations on the email list.
For more information about the study group, or to join, please visit our page.
Weave Structures Study Group
Location: tbd
Date/Time: First Tuesday per month at 01:00PM via Zoom .
The Weave Structures Study Group is now meeting on the first Tuesday of every month
at 1:00 p.m. Please see the Guild Zoom Calendar for any date or time changes. There is active discussion on the study group email list.
Every three months, this group picks a weave structure and each member executes a project of their choice to be shown at a guild meeting. Although this group is primarily intermediate weavers, it is open to any level of weaver; members help each other and everybody learns! Meetings are primarily to discuss projects and resolve issues; a traveling loom is not needed. As of April 2021, the group is working on overshot.
For more info or to see a collection of our projects, please visit our page.
Sewing With Handwovens Group
Location: tbd and Zoom
Date/Time: Friday, 1 pm
A small group from the Weave Structures study group has formed a Sewing with
Handwoven Fabrics study group. We would love to have more Black Sheep members join us.
The goals of the group are to weave fabric that we measure, cut, and sew with; to help each other in this process; and to learn from/with each other. Joining the group, one would need to have basic weaving and sewing skills. We will now meet via zoom on the first Friday of the month at 1 zoom, but there may be occasional meetings in person.
— Teddie G.
For more info or to see a collection of our projects, please visit our page.
Felter’s Forum
Location: Los Altos Hills, CA
Date/Time: Currently on break
Sprang Study Group
Location: Your Home Studio via Zoom
Date/Time: TBD
This group is a continuation of Carol James‘ Sprang workshop during Winter 2020-2021. F
Sprang studies continue with individual projects. Email Ruth at RuTemple [at] gmail [dot] com for
information, to be added to our study group list.
For more information, please visit our page.