Double width log cabin blanket from Jennifer Moore’s book p. 77-78. It is woven with Shetland wool purchased from Eugene Textiles and is incredibly soft. I altered the design a bit but kept it the same width on the loom of 40 inches, and wove 87 inches in length. There is a total of 800 threads and is sett at 20 epi. I used a floor mirror to the side of my loom to check the side to make sure it remained open as I wove and this helped some. I am pleased with how it turned out and will now work on finishing the twisted fringe and do a wet finish to give it more fullness and softness.

Crackle Scarf, 7.5” x 71” on the loom, fringe twists and wet finishing still to be done.
8/2 tencel, warp and ground weft. Pattern wefts: shantung silk yaspee (dark brown) and a silk/wool blend (orange and tan). Also some picks in a metallic yarn for a little sparkle.

Betsy B:
Blanket, cardigan, hat and booties that I knit for my first grandchild.

Rag rug woven with cotton strips.