Want to learn to weave, spin, felt or play with fiber in other ways? Here’s a list of places we’ve found in the area that offer classes, in alphabetical order. Please check online reviews before enrolling, as a listing on this page does not indicate an endorsement by the Black Sheep Handweavers Guild.
- Amazing Yarns in Redwood City https://amazingyarn.com
- Dotty Calabrese in Mountain View www.dottycalabrese.com
- Hannelore Cole in Mountain View (Custom Handweavers) 650-493-5803
- Micro Fiber School (by Ally Kraus) in San Jose www.microfiberschool.com
- Jane Ingram Allen in Santa Rosa https://jiaclasses.wordpress.com/
- Mendocino Art Center in Mendocino http://www.mendocinoartcenter.org/
- Meridian Jacobs near Vacaville www.meridianjacobs.
com - Richmond Arts Center in Richmond http://richmondartcen
ter.org - San Francisco Fiber, in Oakland sffiber.com
- Walnut Creek Community Arts Center in Walnut Creek http://www.
Heddle Craft also has a list of places to learn to weave: https://heddlecraft.com/learn-to-weave.html
Do you offer fiber related classes and would like to be included on this page? Email info [at] blacksheepguild [dot] org