Sandy Fisher, Chico Cloth – March 16, 2017

Our program this month highlights Sandy Fisher from Chico, CA. Her program will focus on her mission, “The Chico Flax Project”, to bring the flax industry to Northern California, and thus to the United States. She’ll have slides, and dialogue with us on her vision, and offers a hands-on opportunity to experience Brake, Scutch and Hackle flax. She’ll also bring finished linen yard and garments, some of them for sale.

Sandy’s website, at, describes classes she teaches, as well as listing galleries and shows where her work can be found. There is also a section which explains her working principles and values for four different types of fiber art. The bags and handbags section celebrates sustainability, while table mats and runners show off her signature weaving with linen warp, using weft of blended cottons and paper (yes, washable). The Baby Wraps combine traditional twills learned in Scotland, and a unique, personally developed hand dye technique. Pictures below come from her website.

Please remember that doors at our usual venue, Woodside Community Church parish hall, open at 7 for set up and visiting. The program begins at 7:30. Afterwards we’ll have refreshments, Show and Tell, and a short business meeting, this month raising the need for a Nominations Committee for elections for our many service committee options.

Reservations will be made at Buck’s Restaurant in Woodside for 5:30 pm. Sandy and her husband will join us. Y’all come!