Kathy S: Work in progress
Turned Taquete project done in silk 20/2 warp and 60/2 weft.

Jodi: New work off my loom
8/2 Tencel. The color is hand-dyed by me, except the purple gradients which were from Kathrin Weber.
Ulla: Dear friend Gisela Evitt remembered, weavings of her beautiful stash
My dear friend Gisela Evitt died in July. She was one of the founders of Trampornas Guild and a contributor to Fabrication. Gisela stopped weaving (but not spinning and knitting) when her husband Bill died in 2009. She has slowly been passing her stash of yarns to me and I now almost exclusively use it in my work. We are standing in front of “Gisela’s Linen”, an installation of 23 panels showing the different colors of a 50/2 Knott’s linen she gave me.

Last week was a week for finishing projects. I had a long warp of linen curtains for our corner bay windows on the loom for a couple of months. 48″ wide, 24 epi and 50/2 linen from Gisela’s stash of Knox linen. This linen comes in small spools with about 900 yards per spool. The curtains were to let in the light and provide us with privacy. I wanted the fabric to be quite plain but with some small point of interest. I saw John’s place mats in 6 shaft spot weave and loved the meeting of “hands” the spots suggested to me.

The other project I finished was two Tallits for family twins who are to Bar Mitzvah in October. The boys are identical twins and have since birth been identified by the color blue and green. The Tallits are in silk (from Gisela), a grey warp and I dyed the weft. My daughter who loves to cross-stitch sewed the initials for the two boys.

And here is August.
I have been working on Ply-Split Twining since I took a class with Linda Hendrickson last fall. I like the SCOT Single-Course Oblique Twining and have been wanting to make rugs in that technique. This rug is 27″x 84″ and made from 274 cords. The cords are wool, 40 strands of Maypole 2ply, a very old yarn, not in production any more. I had two boxes of it, given to me by Gisela Evitt and Kathryn Coleman in many colors. I used up a lot of them in this rug. The rug is thick and springy and will never wear out – I think