The Weave Structures Study group first met in late summer 2019 and agreed upon the following (updated to current status)
- We choose a different weave structure to study every four months, more or less often if circumstances/interest dictate. This allows folks to do other weaving in between structures.
- We help each other, or bring in someone from the guild with more experience to help us if needed.
- Each member chooses their own project and materials, and weaves it during the study period.
- We meet monthly to talk about challenges and what we were learning.
- Most of the structures we choose can be woven on a 4 shaft loom; occasionally 8 is needed.
This is a incomplete list of the structures we may choose to study in the future:
- advancing twill
- canvas weave
- collapse weave
- crammed and spaced
- crimp cloth
- damask
- double weave (not double wide)
- echo weave
- honeycomb
- krokbragd
- leno
- ms and os
- pique
- plaited twills
- satin
- shadow weave (introduce a third color)
- summer and winter
- swedish lace
- swivel
- taquete or turned taquete
- woven shibori
NOTE: not all completed projects are shown below!
Tied Weaves
The Fall ’24 subject is tied weaves; there are a number of tied weaves on our looms!
Unstructured Summer
The group has spent the summer of ’24 working on their own projects…
Huck and Bronson
The group worked on Huck and Bronson from January to May ’24.
Teddie woven this fascinating wall hanging in huck; she used different sizes of yarns to produce an interesting effect:
Stefanie’s huck explorations resulted in a gorgeous scarf with an interesting way to secure it!
Johanna wove and sewed this shirt for her daughter in Huck lace.
Ange wove Bronson lace yardage for a tank top in 20/2 cotton.
Diversified Plain Weave
We started DPW in September ’23.
Gudrun designed and wove this fabulous runner…
Johanna used her DPW as the front bands on this jacket, along with a lot of other fabrics!
Teddie’s Pillows:
Ange sampled with 8/2 and 20/2 cotton. The warp was all “natural” colored and the weft was a hand-dyed pale green, pale grey, and dark blue.
We wove comboweave in Spring 2023! We spent extra time on this structure because of the interruption of a summer Conference. We saw two types of projects from this… one was characterized by using the same structure but two different manifestations of it in the same piece; the other were projects using two different structures.
Ally wove this “from dyed 5/2 cotton that was left over from projects (both mine and my classmates) in my Ikat Portfolio class at Penland. The structures are plain weave and huck lace and the draft is from Heddlecraft #38.”
Gudrun wove this checkerboard of two shadow weave patterns. It’s her original design. The yarn is silk and rayon chenille.
Ange wove this yardage from 8/2 tencel; there is twill and basketweave sections. The colorful stripes are from a Kathrin Weber workshop and the rest is commercially dyed.
Johanna wove two comboweave projects… the pink dress is bamboo and cotton using Strickler #725 and the yellow shirt is made from Borgs 16/2 cotton and the Simplicity pattern for sleeveless tunic.
Beiderwand and Turned Beiderwand
We started Beiderwand in September 2022… We extended our time with the structure to encompass Turned Beiderwand when several of our members took Karen Donde’s Turned Beiderwand class.
Teddie’s runners:
Maggie’s Turned Beiderwand:
Ange’s Pillows in 8/2 cotton with black garage sale wool pattern weft.
Deflected Double Weave
We ended our study of Deflected Double Weave in August ’22; the group spent longer with this due to CNCH.
Scarf in 8/2 Tencel by Maggie
Two scarves by Sharolene, 20/2 and 30/2 silk. Sett and picks were 30 in a 15 dent reed on an AVL.
Two projects by Betsy
Fabric and the shirt made from the fabric by Bambi.
Two scarves in 18/2 wool by Ange; the blue one is from Double with a Twist and the other 2nd is from Handwoven Magazine. Orange and magenta yarn from Gisela Evitt’s stash.
Doublewide doubleweave
Johanna’s blanket on top of her warm happy husband!
Johanna in her huck tunic
Johanna’s scarf:
Joan’s crackle, still on the loom!
Q2′ 2021’s structure is Overshot. We remarked that we’ve gone from supplemental warp projects to supplemental weft projects!
Ange’s two bedside table runners, 8/2 and 5/2 cotton.
Johanna’s runner:
Supplemental Warp
In Q1 2021, we chose supplemental warp and had Deb Essen talk to us about how to do it! She gave us a great presentation and the group left feeling like they could accomplish a project. More than one of us in the group will be doing more supplemental warp projects! Here are some of the projects, zoom in to see details.
This green scarf was woven in bamboo by Kathy.
Table runner by Betsy, in 18/2 wool
A couple of runners by Joan. The first one is made from her sheep at Deer Hollow Farm! And the green one is a fingering weight wool.
Johanna’s new scarf
Ange made a sample of warpwise woven shibori in 8/2 tencel, dyed in Procion “Avocado”. Sample is ironed flat; apparent texture is due to how the dye struck the fabric.
Shadow Weave
In Q1 2020, we wove Shadow Weave.
Joan’s runner:
Johanna in a blouse made from her Shadow weave fabric:
Ange’s yardage in 20/2 cotton and a garage sale mystery fiber. Pattern was based on a woven piece that Johanna made many years ago.
Rep Weave
The members decided upon Rep Weave for the first weave structure! Projects were presented at the January 2020 Guild meeting.