All posts by Elizabeth Eddy

Indigo – “Blue Alchemy” – Aug. 18, 2016

Dinner reservations will be made at Buck’s Restaurant on Woodside Road at 5:30 as usual. Do come and enjoy our chats there.

The meeting room at Woodside Community Church, just past the library, will be opened at 7 pm for set up by early comers. We’ll watch a documentary video owned and shown by Barbara Shapiro about the worldwide history and development of Indigo. Our taste was whetted during the May meeting by seeing part of it; now we get to see it all.


There will be no business meeting. If you have cookies or snacks to share, please bring them. Melanie is away.

DIFFERENT VENUE – CNCH Retrospective, and “Blue Alchemy” – May 19, 2016

Our meeting will be held in the Goldstar Room at the Veterans’ Memorial Senior Center in Redwood City, located at 1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City. The room will be opened for us from 7 pm until 10pm. We’ll begin with CNCH Show and Tell, as well as whatever anyone else has to bring of their own, and show in the remaining time a DVD, “Blue Alchemy: Stories of Indigo”, owned by Barbara Shapiro. The DVD lasts 79 minutes, so the current idea is to show the whole video at one of our summer meetings (that leaves one other summer meeting to bring in an idea for!).











Reservations for dinner will be made for 5:30 pm at Galeotti’s Pizza, at 3121 Jefferson Ave., Redwood City.

We will have refreshments in the Goldstar Room room, and a short business meeting afterwards.

April 23, 2016 – Michael Rohde, Tapestry

Michael Rohde, renowned tapestry weaver, has plied and taught his art for more than 40 years (see his website He will teach “Four Selvedge” and “Wedge Weaving” techniques.


The location will be the studio of Barbara Shapiro, 510 Darrell Road, Hillsborough, CA 94010. (Please park ON the sidewalk, and DO NOT block the mailbox!)

The workshop is full. Please bring a small (tapestry or rigid heddle or bead type) loom – unwarped. If you ordered a loom from Micael, he will bring it.

Bring also:  scissors, tapestry or Navaho beater or an old kitchen fork, note taking materials.

Optional equipment: tapestry or blunt needles, small shuttles or tapestry bobbins, small bits of colorful tapestry weight yarn, 900-1200 yds/lb.

Barbara will have tea and hot water. Bring bottled water if you like, instant coffee if you like, snacks if you want something other than trail-mixes. And bring a lunch since there is nothing close by. It will be Passover.

April 21, 2016 – Michael Rohde

“From Rugs and Patterns to Tapestries and Concepts:

A Path of Over Forty Years of Weaving”

Michael Rohde will highlight the program at our regular meeting Thursday night, April 21. He will show slides and discuss his lifetime of creativity. His passion is tapestry, and you can see many examples on his website He is also leading a workshop for us on Saturday, April 23, “Four Selvedge and Wedge Weaving Techniques” (see separate posting in Workshops).


The Guild’s regular meeting will be held at Woodside Community Church parish hall on Woodside Road in Woodside. The site will be opened at 7 pm. For those who want to come to dinner beforehand, where we will first welcome Michael Rohde, reservations will be made at Buck’s Restaurant on Woodside Road at 5:30 pm. Everyone is welcome!  The program is scheduled for 7:30-8:30 pm, followed by refreshments and a short business meeting.

March 17, 2016 – Tracey Panek

The Guild’s regular meeting will be held at Woodside Community Church parish hall on Woodside Road in Woodside. The site will be opened at 7 pm. Dinner reservations beforehand will be made at Buck’s Restaurant on Woodside Road at 5:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to come!  The program is scheduled 7:30-8:30 pm, followed by refreshments and a short business meeting.

Tracey Panek began work at Levi Strauss & Co. in June 2015, becoming Historian and Archivist after the retirement of the prior historian there who held the post for 25 years. Tracey had worked 14 years as historian of AAA of Northern California, Nevada and Utah, and at the now-named Verizon for several years, so she has many years of experience working with the public, answering questions, and lecturing on related topics, as well as providing necessary archival studies. Several Guild members heard her speak recently and asked that she be invited to speak at a Guild meeting.

Panek 1930s Onesie

  1930s Onesie

Panek Woodstock era

Woodstock era

Panek Justin Bieber

Vest for Justin Timberlake