All posts by paulad

Beginning Rug Weaving with Jason Collingwood

jason collingwood _1_ 300It’s not too soon to put it on your calendar, we are having a Beginning Rug Weaving workshop with Jason Collingwood on October 10, 11-12, 2014. Learn the basics and when he returns for CNCH in 2015, you’ll be ready to take his more advanced class.

The workshop will be held at the home of Paula Dennis in La Honda, Ca. We will be accepting a deposit of $100 starting at the Guild meeting in April, with the final cost determined by the number of attendees.

To see more about Jason, please see his website:

Gudrun Polak March 20, 2014

slide1Black Sheep Handweavers Guild’s very own Gudrun Polak will be our presenter this March. Gudrun has taken card weaving and braiding to the next level with complicated patterns and textures. We’ll get to see many examples of her work as well as hear about her weaving path that has brought her to this phase of her artistic journey.

Join us on March 20th to find out what Gudrun is now creating and be inspired by these intricate designs.

Suki Russack April 24, 2014

Russack.Passagec-95x150Suki Russack uses warp ikat double weave to create life-sized images of women that chart an internal journey of discovery. She designs clothing constructed from narrow hand woven strips of fabric as well as costumes in hand-dyed fabrics for dance productions. Join us for an evening of unique pieces that are bound to inspire your weaving.

You can find more of her pieces on her website at

Note: The April meeting has been moved to Apr. 24, because of Easter, it will still be at Woodside Village Church.

Show and Tell May 15th, 2014

This is our opportunity to share what we’ve been creating for the last few months. Whether it is something you’ve learned from a CNCH class, workshop, study group or what you’ve been working on, on your own we want to see it! Share your creativity and inspire all of us.

Note: Our meeting this month will be held at the Sequoia Yacht Club, 441 Seaport Ct. Redwood City, Ca. 94063


Fundraiser and Stash Sale June 16, 2016

Join us for our annual Fundraiser and Stash sale on June 16th at 7:30 pm, at our usual venue, Woodside Community Church in Woodside CA.  Clean out those nooks and crannies of that yarn, fiber or equipment you no longer have interest in. Please contribute an item for our Silent Auction if you can. This is fun evening of camaraderie before the summer, Don’t miss it!


Reservations for dinner beforehand will be made at 5:30 p.m. at Buck’s Restaurant on Woodside Rd., Woodside CA.


Jane Ingram Allen Feb. 20, 2014

UnknownJane Ingram Allen will be joining us Feb. 20th to share her expertise and experiences with using handmade paper in weaving and other textile techniques. One of the founding members of the Black Sheep Handweavers guild, her career has taken many roads. From teaching weaving at Foothill College to living abroad, her vast knowledge of weaving and now paper making, has her creating many unique pieces.

Join us Feb. 20th for an interesting presentation of her current work with paper made from plants from all over the world.

Anita Luvera Mayer Jan. 16, 2014

A Luvera in pink vestRenown creative cloth maker and surface embellisher Anita Luvera Mayer is our speaker.  Her unique designs are known throughout the weaving and hand embellishing communities. She will be sharing with us her creative journey in surface embellishment, and weaving.

Come join us for an evening of inspired creativity and hear from Anita about her journey in the fiber arts.


Anita Luvera Mayer Workshops Jan. 18 & 19, 2014

A Luvera in pink vestVested Interest (One Day Workshop – January 18, 2014)

This workshop will present an overview of a variety of vests and the things to consider in selecting one that works best for your body and your life style including length, garment shape, and fabric weight.

This lecture/demonstration will cover a range of topics including weaving with sewing thread, recycling shoelaces, lining methods, making vests reversible, modular knitting and more.

Everyone will receive a basic vest pattern, learn how to size it and will have the opportunity to try on various vests that accommodate a range of body sizes along with patterns to copy.  Inspiration will be provided through books, ethnic examples and the instructor’s collection of unique vests.

Location to be determined

$100 deposit requested

Cost for both days:  approx.. $150, not including $35 lab fee (assuming 15 students per day minimum)

Student Supply List:


Enough paper to copy several short vests and one long vest

(plain brown wrapping paper works well or anything similar)

Marking pen

Please wear clothing in one color ( i.e. jeans/turtle neck, skirt/ top, slacks/top) which is very helpful when trying on the vests

Lab fee:  $5.00

A Luvera back turkey brown vestEmbellishing the Surface (One Day Workshop – January 19, 2014)

A one day hands-on exploration of simple, yet dramatic, ways to individualize clothing and accessories using mirrors, creative stitchery, innovative beading, braids and wrapped rings.  Each participant will complete a reference notebook of samples.  The instructor’s wardrobe and textiles featuring these embellishments will be available for examination.

Maximum number of participants:  20

Skill level:                       All levels

Lab fee:                          $30.00 U.S.

Student supply list:


Additional lamp for lighting if desired

Sewing needles

Large eyed tapestry needle

Crochet hook….fine and medium if you crochet

One set of double pointed knitting needles…mid-size if you knit

2” wide three ring binder with thirty clear protector sheets

Thimble optional

More Information:  Programs [at] Blacksheep [dot] org

$100 deposit check to: Black Sheep Handweaver’s Guild, ℅ Gloria Miller 383 Green Ridge Dr. #3, Daly City, Ca. 94014 (please notify by email when sending check)  Also, please put your contact information (including email) in the envelope at which we will be able to send you workshop updates in a timely fashion.

Ulla de Larios Nov. 21, 2013

7_bigWhat has Ulla been up to lately is everyone’s question and we will be finding that out  on Nov. 21st. Black Sheep’s own Ulla de Larios will be our presenter. An accomplished artist, we all wonder will she be talking about Stitch Resist? Will it be about her Damasks? Her Crossing and Transparency weavings? I’m hoping it will be all of the above. The breadth of Ulla’s art encompasses many media and techniques.

Come join us on Nov. 21st for an interesting and inspiring evening.

You can see more examples of Ulla’s art on her website at