All posts by St S

Show and Tell March 2025

Aviva G – Handknit Sweater

Here is a photo of a sweater that I just finished knitting. (The knitting is done, but I still need to block, sew on the buttons, and finish the steek.) The yarns are hand-spun top, 3-ply, size 3mm needles. The blue is from New Zealand ca. 1988, from Anna Gratton in Feilding, NZ, and I think it’s Corriedale mixed with some mohair and something with the reddish sparkle. The white is BFL/silk (80/20) top from a store in the US, because I needed white top. I did the spinning from about 2000 to 2024, and I did the knitting from about May 2024 until February 2025. The pattern is from Norwegian Knitting Designs 90 Years Later, which I followed as written except that I made the steek wider. 


Johanna G. – Linen Runner

Here is my linen leno table runner I made at Ange’s Weave In weekend at her house. It was a lot of fun and hope there are more of them.


Gail B. – Beautiful pick-up work

Attached are five pictures in approximately the order made. I’ve been playing with more pick-up work, this time drawing inspiration from the book, Crazyshot! Creative Overshot Weaving on the Rigid Heddle Loom, by Myra Wood. Two projects were done on 4 shaft loom, 2 on a rigid heddle. All patterning done with a pick-up stick.

  1. Wall Hanging front and back

2. Coasters and 3. Neckwarmer

4. Future purse, on the cricket loom


Natalie Drummond Thursday, March 20th at 7 pm on Zoom

Natalie Drummond – Thursday, March 20th at 7 pm on Zoom

Natalie Drummond is an instructor, weaver, dyer and fiber artisan living in Fremont, Indiana. Born and raised in Virginia, she developed a love of science, teaching, and fiber.

Her earlier work focused on sewing (Singer Sewing Machine Manager 1992) and needle-felting.                                                                                                                                                                 Natalie has pursued weaving and color with a passion. She has been studying Deflected Double weave intensively, including how to use in Woven Shibori. Her work can be found
in Handwoven Magazine Nov/Dec 2021 and Winter 2024.                  

Program – Natalie’s journey focuses on her love of color and simple design with dyed warps and Deflected Double weave – both 4 and 8 shaft. She has three self-published workshop monographs have evolved from her explorations and teaching.

Her website is

Show and Tell February 2025

Gudrun P – A T-shirt to remember

Cut into 1 cm wide strips a T-shirt turns into a lot of colorful cotton yarn.


The left and right sleeves turned into a mug rug each. Woven with Sugar’n Cream cotton in Rosepath bound weave, on opposites.


The six miniature T-shirts were woven together with a white T-shirt in pick-up Taqueté.  Pick-up Taqueté can be woven on two shafts that are threaded as plain weave with a floating warps between threaded warp threads.



Kris Bruland speaks about, Feb 20, 2025, 7 PM – Zoom Meeting

Kris Bruland speaks about, Feb 20, 2025 7 PM 

We are excited to hear from Kris Bruland on the creation of the internet, which is now the home of 75,000 weaving drafts for weavers to choose from! He created the site 18 years ago when there were fewer than 200 weaving drafts then and has grown the site to what it is today.

He will explain the site, its tools, the use of the draft editor along with showing us how to
search and browse the collection. Join us at 7pm for this lively show and tell.
Weaving Draft Archive: (76,269 drafts available!)

Show and Tell January 2025

Show and Tell January 2025

Cheryl H – Crocheted Silk Threads

Ulla De L – Woven Linen Towels

Lizzy T-H – Seasonal Baskets

Gudrun P – Plant a Tree

The little known technique of “chained weft loops” is used to create small pictures of trees. Each one of the trees has meaning to me because it reminds me of times, places, and people. 

The Technique / Diagram

Chestnut Tree

Burned Redwood Tree

Christmas Tree

Diana H – Bench Cover

This is 23” x 52” Echo Weave, woven with 2 colors of 16/2 Bockens Lingarn linen on an 8 shaft Glimåkra Standard Countermarch loom.

The pattern came from Marian Stubenitsky’s Weaving with Echo and Iris book on page 13. It was woven to reupholster a bench that was built by my Grandpa and sits at the foot of my bed.

Gail B – Dukagang wall hanging

Dukagång wall hanging (6.5″ x 15.5″) in 10/2 cotton with 2/10 Merino Tencel pattern weft. 

My thanks to Suzie Liles for the source inspiration and beginner’s instructions in Handwoven Mar/Apr 2017!

Judith Shangold, “Inspiration and Design Process for the Rigid Heddle Loom” – Thursday, January 16th at 7 pm on Zoom

Judith Shangold, “Inspiration and Design Process for the Rigid Heddle Loom” – 
Thursday, January 16th at 7 pm on Zoom

Judith Shangold was already a weaver when, in 1975, she opened a yarn shop in the Park Slope section in Brooklyn, NY called The Weavers Studio. Though she knew how to knit,
she had to teach herself a lot to stay ahead of the customers who needed help. She has since designed for knitting magazines and yarn companies, was a yarn sales
representative for many years in New England, and was the U.S. importer, distributor and designer for Manos del Uruguay from 1999 – 2007.

She is also the designer behind Designs by Judith and A Bear in Sheep’s Clothing pattern collections.
When she retired in 2007, she started weaving again. Limited in space, she began weaving on a rigid-heddle loom, and became particularly interested in simple, wearable clothing design. Her book, Weave • Knit• Wear, was published by XRX Books in 2014.                               

In September 2017, Judith and her husband, a freelance book designer, became permanent residents of Tucson. Though she is now weaving on an 8-shaft Schacht Baby Wolf, she still uses a rigid heddle loom to teach, demo and travel with.

Show and Tell December 2024

Show and Tell December 2024

Lynn C. –  Woven Flower


Woven with cotton warp and DMC pearl cotton weft, 10 epi, 20×20″.                                            The flower is done with soumak stitch.


Ange M. – Bronson Lace Top


Ange’s top was made to wear on a textile tour last summer after she was being chided for not having any handwoven items on her last textile tour.                                                                 20/2 cotton Bronson lace of her own design.


Carol C. – Handspun Cormo Christening Blanket


This handspun and knitted Cormo Christening Blanket was made for Carol’s granddaughter Adelina.                                                                                                                                    The blanket won Best of Show at the 2024 Monterey Wool Show AND 4 awards at the Santa Cruz County Fair. 


Kathleen D. – Deflected Double-Weave table runner


Deflected double-weave table runner woven by Kathleen D. of Duet 5/2 cotton/linen blend, 18 epi, from a pattern by Elisabeth Hill. 

Program for our annual Holiday party with 50th Anniversary Celebration !

Program for our Holiday party with the 50th Anniversary Celebration of our Black Sheep Handweavers Guild on 12/12  at 7 PM !

* This time the holiday party is one week earlier than our regular meeting date. *

Black Sheep Guild will be having our December In-Person guild meeting at
Veterans Memorial Senior Center, 1455 Madison Ave, Redwood City, on
December 12th at 7:00 p.m. Come to meet and greet fellow guild members! We
are hoping for good attendance so, if you need a ride, please let us know so we
can hook you up with someone coming from your area.

Our guild is celebrating its 50th year, and to honor it Sarah Aaron and her daughter
have put together a special presentation to celebrate our half century! We will
view the presentation, and marvel at our long history of creating gorgeous fiber.

Following the presentation, we hope others will also chime in with their own
special memories. We encourage you to bring something for Show & Tell that
reflects some aspect of your history with the guild, as well as any recent work. We
will share a celebratory piece of cake, hot teas and sparkling apple juice for the

Please join in our evening of merriment, and bring an edible finger food, sweet or
savory. Please label your contribution with name and ingredients for those with
dietary restrictions.
If you would like to help with set up/decorations, please come early around 6:15
to lend a hand.

There will also be our customary give away table for items you would like others
to have, but please plan to take any items not selected home at the end of the

We did decide to not have the gift exchange due to the time needed for the 50 th
anniversary celebration.

Hope to see you there!

The program will be at Veterans Memorial Senior Center, 1455 Madison Ave, Redwood City. The program will start at 7pm, but the room will be open at 6:30 for those who want to visit
COVID note: Masking is optional, but please wear a mask if you have any respiratory symptoms, even if it’s probably just allergies from everything that’s blooming.

Show and Tell November 2024

Johanna G – Various Tunics with handwoven fabrics

  Gail B donated the material for this black and white tunic, per Simplicity pattern1461


The  Advancing Twill tunic, per Simplicity pattern 1461, is using a 16/2 Borg’s cotton warp and weft.  I did take Janet Dawson’s Advancing Twill class and made this after completing most of the class. 
The jacket is my third Koji jacket using previous weavings from my stash, including the Huck lace collar/lapel.  The body of the jacket has various weavings, mostly cotton.
The Koji jacket is a basic pattern that is fun to make and fits well. 
Barbara Shapiro – Maquette of Twisted Tower 2 – work in progress
10 x 2.5 x. 2.5″. Plaited painted watercolor paper.
 I splashed blood-red acrylic paint and India Ink on the paper, wrote phrases that expressed my reaction to current events in black ink, and then “whitewashed” the  4.5 x 30 ” pieces obscuring some, but not all of the design.
The paper was then sliced with a pasta cutter into 1/4″ strips and plaited in an extended twisted cube. pattern.
I learned the twisted cube from a pattern on Annetta Kraayeveld’s website. I am working on the full-scale version now.


Program for Thursday, November 21st, 7 pm on Zoom

Program for Thursday, November 21st, 7 pm on Zoom

If you ask Suzie Liles who she is, she will tell you she is the mother of 4 wonderful children, a canine parent to her beloved and always present Maltese dog, Buddy (the ETC shop puppy), grandmother of 9, weaver, teacher for over 35 years, and as most of us know,
the owner of Eugene Textile Center and co-owner of Glimåkra USA with her daughter, Sarah Rambousek.

Suzie has an MFA in Fibers from the University of Oregon in Eugene, is a member of the Handweavers Guild of America and is a regular contributor to
Handwoven Magazine with wonderfully fun projects.

Suzie loves teaching and has taught both children and adults across North America, including co-teaching with Madelyn van der Hoogt and the Weavers School in Coupeville, WA for 30 plus years. In the last several years, in her spare time, Suzie has become a tour leader for textile tours in Sweden, and Japan with Opulent Quilt Journeys, and to Egypt with her own tour company.

She will share with our Black Sheep Guild her journey from her first exposure to weaving to
present day via Zoom at our November 2024 guild meeting.
The Zoom will open at Nov 21, 2024 06:30 PM Pacific Time and the meeting will start at 7:00