All posts by Tien

Overshot pillow by Jodi Paley

Overshot pillow

Overshot pillow by Jodi Paley

This pillow, by Jodi Paley, is part of the Black Sheep Handweavers Guild Friendship Coverlet project. For more about the project, please visit the Friendship Coverlet page – the link is in the right-hand menu, under “Other Cool Stuff”.

Cookie's scarf

Cookie’s scarf

Cookie’s scarf, which won the contest for the Black Sheep logo, and is the “filler” for the sheep on the Black Sheep Handweavers Guild publicity cards! Congratulations to Cookie on winning the contest.

Handwoven for Garment Construction

This study group was an extension of the Handwoven for Garment Design workshop series with Sharon Alderman and Daryl Lancaster, meeting meet monthly to review progress and talk through any issues. It is now closed.

March 17, 2012: Japanese Stencils

Katazome, Then and Now with Karen Illman Miller

A thorough discussion of the traditional art of Japanese stencil dyeing, with slides and examples of antique fabrics and of my own work, illustrating where it has taken a contemporary surface designer and fiber artist.

Karen Miller was born in Oakland, CA in 1946. She was a marine biologist before becoming an expert on katazome, the art of Japanese stencil dyeing. Using her own hand cut stencils to apply a resist paste she produces fabric for art quilts, as well as silk garments, linen hangings and indigo dyed cottons.Her work has been exhibited twice in Japan. She has shown her work in numerous juried and group shows. Her work was accepted to Visions 2002, In 2009 she had Oregon solo shows at the Newport Visual Arts Center, Benton County Historical Society and the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center in Portland. She shows regularly at the Japanese Garden in Portland and Kobo in Seattle. Her work is in numerous private collections and hangs in the Washington D.C. office of Jane Lubchenco, the head of NOAA.

She has taught katazome nationally and internationally and published several articles on katazome. She was invited lecturer at the Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe New Mexico. She was featured on Oregon Public Broadcasting TV Oregon Art Beat in October 2007.

Karen’s website is:

January 2012

January 19, 2012:

Stephenie Gaustad

Will present a program on

Spinning for Weaving

cotton blossom courtesy of J. Ruane

Stephenie is an artist, designer, illustrator, weaver and experienced teacher. She has just produced a DVD on spinning cotton for Interweave Press.

Her many articles on the crafts have appeared in “Handwoven”, “Spin Off” and “Shuttle Spindle and Dyepot” magazines. Stephenie illustrated “Alden Amos’ Big Book of Handspinning”. She and her husband partner, Alden Amos, live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada where they build textile equipment.

For more information please see

2011 Jacket Workshop

Part 1: Sharon Alderman’s Fabric Design Workshop – March 2011
Part 2: Daryl Lancaster Jumpstart Jacket Workshop – September 2011

photos by Judy Dauberman

What began as an idea, ended with five well-constructed jackets from handwoven fabric.

What happened in between was a lot of learning, experimenting, deep thinking, friendship, and fun.

The students who participated in Sharon Alderman’s fabric design workshop last spring were given the gift of Sharon’s extensive knowledge of how to create quality fabric on the loom and how to successfully finish fabric off the loom. Most of workshop participants were exhausted at the end of Sharon’s intensive three days of teaching (Sharon gave her all to the group) and many students put their lessons learned into practice by designing and creating jacket-worthy yardage.

December 2011

December, 2011: Holiday Party, Potluck and Gift Swap

Dinner setup with live music began around 6 pm, Potluck at 6:40, and a new method of running the gift-swap by means of a clever poem, so all swapping happened before any unwrapping, was a delightful success.