Category Archives: Upcoming Programs

Natalie Drummond Thursday, March 20th at 7 pm on Zoom

Natalie Drummond – Thursday, March 20th at 7 pm on Zoom

Natalie Drummond is an instructor, weaver, dyer and fiber artisan living in Fremont, Indiana. Born and raised in Virginia, she developed a love of science, teaching, and fiber.

Her earlier work focused on sewing (Singer Sewing Machine Manager 1992) and needle-felting.                                                                                                                                                                 Natalie has pursued weaving and color with a passion. She has been studying Deflected Double weave intensively, including how to use in Woven Shibori. Her work can be found
in Handwoven Magazine Nov/Dec 2021 and Winter 2024.                  

Program – Natalie’s journey focuses on her love of color and simple design with dyed warps and Deflected Double weave – both 4 and 8 shaft. She has three self-published workshop monographs have evolved from her explorations and teaching.

Her website is

Upcoming Programs 2024/2025

Upcoming Programs 2024 / 2025

*The information provided is preliminary and might still change *

  • 09/19, In-person Meeting featuring Ally Kraus sharing about her work.
  • 10/17, In-person Meeting featuring Kathleen Dickey sharing about her work and Madrone Arts Collective. 
  • 11/12, Zoom Meeting featuring Suzie Liles of Eugene Textile Center.
  • 12/12, Holiday party and Guild 50th Anniversary Celebration
  • 01/16, Zoom Meeting featuring Judith Shangold, “Weave, Knit, Wear&quot”
  • 02/20, Zoom Meeting featuring Kris Bruland of
  • 03/20, Zoom Meeting featuring Natalie Drummond, Deflective Doubleweave
  • 04/17-In-person Meeting Bahira: Miko Kami dolls
  • 05/15, In-person Meeting – Round Robin with guild members: Lynn Curry, Barbie
    Paulsen, tbd
  • 6/18-In-person Meeting CNCH show and tell