In Person Guild Meeting on Aug 17th – Bring a Friend!

In Person Program for Saturday, August 17th 10am – 1 pm

For August, we’re having a Summer Social meeting. It takes place on Saturday, August 17th from 10am-1pm in our usual room at the Senior Center (1455 Madison Ave, Redwood City, CA 94061).

Come when you can, stay for as little or as long as you like. New members are especially invited!

Friends, family, and prospective guild members are welcome to attend.

Non-guild members can RSVP with this form: (not mandatory but very much appreciated so we know how many folks to expect).

This meeting will be an informal social event. Bring a fiber project to work on and chat while your hands are busy. You are also encouraged to bring a project for show-and-tell – we’ll set up a little gallery along the windows.

Ally will also create some signage about our programs, library, study groups, etc., for non-members – get in touch if you’d like to help (allison.m.kraus at