Programs 2015 – 2016

Sept. 17, 2015    Ginger Summit – Guild member, Spirit Dolls and musical instruments made from gourds

Oct. 15, 2015     Adele Stafford – Voices of Industry, professional weaver and promotor of organic cotton

Nov. 19, 2015    Susie Taylor – textile designer and complex weaver including “origami” style

Dec.  17, 2015    Holiday Party

Jan. 21, 2016     Youngmin Lee – Bojagi, the Korean Art of Wrapping Cloths

Feb. 25, 2016     Dorothy Thursby – Guild member, weaving in Peru, and tapestry

Mar. 17, 2016     Tracey Janek – Levi Jeans

Apr. 21, 2016      Michael Rohde –  textile design and tapestry

May 19, 2016     CNCH show and tell

June 16, 2016    End of season Show and Sale