Show and Tell August 2024

Gail B – My Cottolin Project

I finally completed the Cottolin project that began as an attempt at a set of dishtowels. It instead morphed into a shawl, which I hurriedly finished with twists to wear to a June family wedding.

Over the summer, I also tied a new color scheme onto the center of the remaining warp to make a scarf. This week, after finishing its twists, I forced myself to better align the knots on the shawl as well, at last trimming the ends cleanly. It was fiddly work – after 224 twists in all, I’m ready to move on to a new project. 

The shawl wet-finished softer than the  scarf, even though they’re both Cottolin of identical sett. I think I gave the shawl a hot-water wash, while the scarf got a cold one, so I may eventually rewash the scarf. 

Stripes are woven in a 3/1 twill between areas of basket weave. 


Donna D. – Dancing Blocks

These were intended to be a set of dinner table napkins.  The warp was a neutral linen that I bought in Latvia.  The weft is 5/2 cotton in various colors. 

The pattern was from ( # 16103 ) with the addition of the plain weave border.  I called it “dancing blocks”!