Show and Tell March 2025

Aviva G – Handknit Sweater

Here is a photo of a sweater that I just finished knitting. (The knitting is done, but I still need to block, sew on the buttons, and finish the steek.) The yarns are hand-spun top, 3-ply, size 3mm needles. The blue is from New Zealand ca. 1988, from Anna Gratton in Feilding, NZ, and I think it’s Corriedale mixed with some mohair and something with the reddish sparkle. The white is BFL/silk (80/20) top from a store in the US, because I needed white top. I did the spinning from about 2000 to 2024, and I did the knitting from about May 2024 until February 2025. The pattern is from Norwegian Knitting Designs 90 Years Later, which I followed as written except that I made the steek wider. 


Johanna G. – Linen Runner

Here is my linen leno table runner I made at Ange’s Weave In weekend at her house. It was a lot of fun and hope there are more of them.


Gail B. – Beautiful pick-up work

Attached are five pictures in approximately the order made. I’ve been playing with more pick-up work, this time drawing inspiration from the book, Crazyshot! Creative Overshot Weaving on the Rigid Heddle Loom, by Myra Wood. Two projects were done on 4 shaft loom, 2 on a rigid heddle. All patterning done with a pick-up stick.

  1. Wall Hanging front and back

2. Coasters and 3. Neckwarmer

4. Future purse, on the cricket loom