Our regular meeting for the month of January will feature Wayne Wichern, milliner on the Peninsula for nearly 30 years. He has exhibited in galleries and museums across the country, lectured widely throughout the west coast, and created theatrical costume millinery for a number of theatre and ballet companies. His personal story of change and development in his artistry is described in a fascinating YouTube clip at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8Ogbyg5XFc .
You’ll see his studio with equipment, and many of his felt fashion hats. He wanted us all to come to his studio, but we are too many to fit. He will welcome any of us there in the future.
More photos can be found at his website www.waynewichernmillinery.com.
Reservations will be made for dinner beginning at 5:30 pm at Buck’s Restaurant, Woodside and anyone who wishes may join us there. Our featured speaker will be present with us for light conversation.
Here are photos made of his presentation display. Please see Show-and-Tell for members modeling hats.