All posts by Elizabeth Eddy

Design Your Own Felted Purse

Design Your Own Felted Purse


Class Description

Make your own template and design your very own purse while learning to wet felt.

We will use the “make the handle and purse as one piece” method. Inside and outside pockets, embedding stones, beading, lumpy yarn embellishment and closures will be covered.

6 hour class

Maximum # of students-15

Room requirements-2 students per 6’ table. We need to be close to water. A big sink for rinsing is very helpful.

Beginners welcome but some experience is nice.


Materials provided by instructor

Approx. 7 ounces of Corriedale wool, depending on individual design.

Template material and all tools needed to complete project.

Material fee-approx. $25.00


Students need to bring

2 old towels

sharp pointed scissors

bar soap-Kiss My Face olive works well

Lumpy or fuzzy wool yarn for embellishment-optional


Note: Because this is a design class and everyone will be making different purses and using different amounts of wool can they pay the material fee directly to me after the class?

Introduction to Nuno Felting

Introduction to Nuno Felting

Explore the magical technique of Nuno felting. This will introduce you to the tools, materials and methods used to make this amazing process happen. It’s like painting with fibers. During the process the fibers actually migrate through the fabric. If you don’t cover the entire fabric with fiber a secondary pattern happens because the wool fibers shrink but the fabric doesn’t, creating lots of pucker.


Class length-4 hours

Material provided:

Silk scarf

Extra fine Merino Top

Bombyx Silk Roving

Detailed instruction sheet

Material fee-$30.00


Students need to bring;

2 old towels

plastic dish pan


scraps of yarn if they wish


Classroom requirements;

Each student needs a table at least 6’ long.

We need to be close to hot water.

I need 2 tables for supplies and demos.


Three Felting Workshops – Carin Engen – March 6, 7, 8, 2015

Carin Engen is an award-winning fiber artist and workshop instructor who has been using her experimental, playful nature to explore felting and color since 1992. She maintains a studio in Garberville, California, where she produces a line of hand-dyed wool fabric and fiber as well as her felt art.

Prior felting experience is required for both Saturday and Sunday workshops, so sign up for Friday’s workshop if you need the experience.

The workshops may be taken separately or in any combination. All costs are tentative and may be reduced depending upon participation. Reserve your spot with a 50% deposit paid to our Treasurer, Gloria Miller, 383 Green Ridge Drive, #3, Daly City, CA 94014.

For more information click on each Workshop Title live link below. For more example pictures, see Carin’s blog at

Friday, March 6, 5:30 – 9:30 pm: Introduction to Nuno Felting. Cost is $50 for each student, plus a materials fee to instructor, approximately $30. Maximum number of students 15.



Saturday, March 7, 10:00 am – 4 pm: Felted Ruffles. Cost is $100 per student plus materials fee to instructor, approximately $25. Maximum number of students 12.




Sunday, March 8, 10 am – 4 pm: Design Your Own Felted Purse. Cost is $100 per student plus materials fee to instructor, approximately $25. Maximum number of students 12.

Purse1EngenEngen gathering sack

Wayne Wichern , Milliner – Jan. 15, 2015

Our regular meeting for the month of January will feature Wayne Wichern, milliner on the Peninsula for nearly 30 years.  He has exhibited in galleries and museums across the country, lectured widely throughout the west coast, and created theatrical costume millinery for a number of theatre and ballet companies. His personal story of change and development in his artistry is described in a fascinating YouTube clip at .

You’ll see his studio with equipment, and many of his felt fashion hats. He wanted us all to come to his studio, but we are too many to fit. He will welcome any of us there in the future.



WayneW for Bio1000

More photos can be found at his website

Reservations will be made for dinner beginning at 5:30 pm at Buck’s Restaurant, Woodside and anyone who wishes may join us there. Our featured speaker will be present with us for light conversation.

Here are photos made of his presentation display. Please see Show-and-Tell for members modeling hats.




Holiday Potluck and Gift Exchange, Dec. 18, 2014

Our regular meeting during December will be our traditional holiday potluck – bring a potful or trayful or treat to share.  The kitchen will open early but our planned arrival time is 6 pm, with dinner commencing at 6:30 pm. The location is Woodside Village Church, 3145  Woodside Rd., as usual.

The gift requested of all who wish to participate is expected to be simple and fun for weavers, value no more than $15. We’ll exchange them anonymously using a clever game. Wrap your offering mysteriously to increase the anticipation of all us, viewers and possible nonparticipants alike.

Potluck Feast
Potluck Feast
Holiday Gift Exchange
Holiday Gift Exchange

November 20, 2014 – Rebecca Burgess

Our speaker, Rebecca Burgess, lives in west Marin County. She is the author of “Harvesting Color, How to Find and Make Natural Dyes” (2011). She is also the founder of Fibershed, a program promoting local farmers who raise sheep and grow cotton. Rebecca was featured in the San Francisco Chronicle for her challenge to people to live one year wearing only clothing which was locally produced.

Rebecca Burgess - 10.2014

Fiber dyed by Rebecca showing depth of color saturation possible with natural dyes
Fiber dyed by Rebecca showing depth of color saturation possible with natural dyes

She teaches as well, offering classes for children and adults, and has developed a curriculum for children’s outdoor education.


Fibershed sample dyes
Fibershed sample dyes
Bag, Sweater made for Year in Local Fiber Project
Bag, Sweater made for Year in Local Fiber Project
Backyard Project by The North Face, sample jacket



Oct. 16, 2014 – Barbara Shapiro

Our second regular meeting of fall 2014 gathers at 7 pm at Woodside Village Church on Woodside Rd., Woodside.

Those who wish may join the group dining at Buck’s Restaurant on the right after the circle entering town, starting at 5:45 pm.

We socialize at the church parish hall till the program begins at 7:30 pm.  The presenter this month is Barbara Shapiro, well known for writing, teaching, and personal artistry.

Barbara Shapiro Japan 2014
Barbara Shapiro
Japan 2014

This month she is sharing images and objects from her recent trip to Japan, including her shibori samples from an in-depth 4-day workshop she attended early this summer, which she involved hands-on and up-close activities suited to experienced textile practitioners. She learned and will teach us the story of silk in Japan from silk worm farming and modernized filature, as well as a special under-kimono technique in red safflower dye, and then on to high-fashion houses in Tokyo (where no photos were allowed)

All photos below by Barbara Shapiro. An extensive article on this visit, with many more photos, can be found at:

Masanao Arai expains Beni Kyoukechi
Masanao Arai expains Beni Kyoukechi, carved board clamp resist techniques.


Mame Shibori washing out. Arimatsu. 2014.
Mame Shibori washing out. Arimatsu. 2014.


Child's 100-Piece Amletic Vest with Patches and Shibori, Iwatate Folk Textile Museum
Child’s 100-Piece Amletic Vest with Patches and Shibori, Iwatate Folk Textile Museum
Itajime, Clamp Resist Shibori. Diaper. Arimatsu 2014
Itajime, Clamp Resist Shibori. Diaper. Arimatsu 2014
Shibori yukata at the  Arimatsu Shibori Festival 2014
Shibori yukata at the
Arimatsu Shibori Festival 2014
Boro Jacket and Blanket, Amuse Museum, Tokyo 2014
Boro Jacket and Blanket, Amuse Museum, Tokyo 2014

Programs 2014 – 2015

9.18.14     Alfred Eberle, Silk Reeling

10.11-12   Jason Collingwood Workshop, see Workshops

10.16.14   Barbara Shapiro, Japanese Slow Fiber

11.20.14   Rebecca Burgess, Natural Dyes, clothing, Fibershed Project

12.18.14   HOLIDAY PARTY

1.15.15      Wayne Wichern, Millinery

2.19.15      Jodi Paley, Elizabeth Eddy et al., Weaving for Worship

3.6-8.15    Carin Engen, Three Felting Workshops

3.19.15      Barbie Paulsen, Overshot

4.16.15      Natasha Foucault, Painting on Silk

5.21.15      CNCH 2015 Retrospective Show-and-Tell

6.18.15     Season FINAL Meeting and Sale