Design Your Own Felted Purse
Class Description
Make your own template and design your very own purse while learning to wet felt.
We will use the “make the handle and purse as one piece” method. Inside and outside pockets, embedding stones, beading, lumpy yarn embellishment and closures will be covered.
6 hour class
Maximum # of students-15
Room requirements-2 students per 6’ table. We need to be close to water. A big sink for rinsing is very helpful.
Beginners welcome but some experience is nice.
Materials provided by instructor
Approx. 7 ounces of Corriedale wool, depending on individual design.
Template material and all tools needed to complete project.
Material fee-approx. $25.00
Students need to bring
2 old towels
sharp pointed scissors
bar soap-Kiss My Face olive works well
Lumpy or fuzzy wool yarn for embellishment-optional
Note: Because this is a design class and everyone will be making different purses and using different amounts of wool can they pay the material fee directly to me after the class?