All posts by Elizabeth Eddy

Holiday Party 2015

Many people were pleased with the mystery gift they chose.



While others played “Steal Your Favorite Gift” this year! You should have been there!

2015-12-17 20.13.10


First, somebody has to choose a gift.

2015-12-17 20.31.09

Then, OPEN it!

2015-12-17 20.31.17

And finally, face the commentary as the crowd cheers wildly!

Jan. 21, 2016 – Youngmin Lee

The Guild’s regular meeting will be held at Woodside Community Church parish hall on Woodside Road in Woodside. The site will be opened at 7 pm. Dinner reservations beforehand will be made at Buck’s Restaurant at 5:30 pm. and everyone is welcome to come.  The program is scheduled 7:30-8:30 pm, followed by refreshments and a short business meeting.

Our speaker will be Youngmin Lee, who will tell us about bojagi, which is Korean textile work. On her website at she writes, “Bojagi occupies a prominent place in the daily life of Koreans of all classes. [Bojagi] were used to wrap or carry everything from precious ritual objects to everyday clothes and common household goods and also to cover foodstuffs from ritual offerings to dining tables and trays.”

Giftwrap bojagi

Blue Door bojagi

Mosi Bojagi for David

She will also talk about maedub, which are traditional decorative knots.


Feb. 25, 2016 – Dorothy Thursby DATE CHANGED

Our regular meeting will be held on Feb. 25th – CHANGE FROM REGULAR SCHEDULE by an event scheduled by the church – at Woodside Community Church parish hall on Woodside Road in Woodside. The site will be opened at 7 pm. Dinner reservations beforehand will be made at Buck’s Restaurant at 5:30 pm. and everyone is welcome to come.  The program is scheduled 7:30-8:30 pm, followed by refreshments and a short business meeting.

Black Sheep Guild member Dorothy Thursby will be our presenter. She will discuss her internship with internationally known Peruvian tapestry artist Maximo Laura, and show us samples of her work. Dorothy is an art teacher at Gideon Hauser Jewish Community Day School and does not have a website, but you’ll find her teacher’s extensive work for sale at including Flight of the Condor in the Andes:


and Detail 3 from Flight of the Condor in the Andes:


Susie Taylor, Nov. 19, 2015

Susie has two websites with many pictures of her work, and She explains that her work “combines origami and weaving together to create a new woven form”. If you find this hard to imagine, do take a look at her website. She furnished pictures for our site’s announcement as well, to be found below. She says of her work that “discontinuous pleats are engineered, woven and incorporated into the ground cloth”.  When taken off the loom, the pleats become folded origami shapes without further intervention by the artist. Linen works best for her process, she finds.

Dinner reservations beforehand will be made at Buck’s Restaurant at 5:30 pm. Susie plans to come to that as well as to the meeting, and everyone is welcome to come, too. The meeting site at Woodside Community Church will open at 7 pm. The program is scheduled 7:30-8:30 pm, followed by refreshments and a short business meeting.  See you there!

Crane Wife #3 overall.jpeg

Crane Wife #3

ThreeTowers detail

Three Towers (Detail)

Twill Diamond Positive detail

Twill Diamond Positive (Detail)

Twill X Positive overall

Twill X Positive overall

Holiday Potluck and Gift Exchange, Dec. 17, 2015

We’ll enjoy our traditional holiday potluck at our regular meeting in December. Please bring a potful or a tray full or a treat to share. The kitchen will open beforehand, but our planned arrival time is 6pm, with dinner beginning at 6:30 pm. We’ll meet at the usual location, the Parish Hall at Woodside Village Church, 3145 Woodside Road in Woodside.

Those who want to participate in the gift exchange are asked to bring something simple and fun for weavers, with a value no more than $15. We will return to our former practice of “gift stealing” – nothing personal intended, just fun.

Holiday Gift Exchange
Holiday Gift Exchange

Sept. 17, 2015 – Ginger Summit

Ginger Summit is a member of our Guild and founder of the new Felting interest group, but her interests have led in many directions and always as far as one can go. She says of her “gourd phase”: “What began as a craft interest quickly became a passion as I discovered unusual uses of gourds in marketplaces and museums around the world.” Her learnings resulted in a number of books such as “Making Gourd Dolls and Spirit Figures”, “Gourds and Fiber”, “Making Gourd Musical Instruments” and “The Complete Book of Gourd Crafts”. Recently she cleaned out her gourd holdings and products, but saved her favorites to show us and talk about, as well as her books (those noted above, and more!)




Our meeting site at Woodside Community Church parish hall is opened at 7:00 pm of setup and conversation. The program, which runs 7:30-8:30, is followed by refreshments and a short business meeting.  If you’d like to come to dinner at Buck’s Restaurant in Woodside Shopping Center, reservations will be made for 5:30 pm. Hope to see you there!

Oct. 15, 2015 – Adele Stafford

Our speaker for tonight, Adele Stafford, is a textile designer who specializes in weaving cloth from cotton that is grown and spun in the United States. She is also quite a writer, you’ll discover when you look at her really beautiful website at Voices of Industry is the name of her studio and shop in Oakland where she lives. She is weaving on an Ahrens Violette mechanical dobby loom which you can see behind her in the picture below.



Our meeting site at Woodside Community Church parish hall is opened at 7:00 pm of setup and conversation. The program, which runs 7:30-8:30, is followed by refreshments and a short business meeting.  If you’d like to come to dinner at Buck’s Restaurant in Woodside Shopping Center, reservations will be made for 5:30 pm. Hope to see you there!

Programs 2015 – 2016

Sept. 17, 2015    Ginger Summit – Guild member, Spirit Dolls and musical instruments made from gourds

Oct. 15, 2015     Adele Stafford – Voices of Industry, professional weaver and promotor of organic cotton

Nov. 19, 2015    Susie Taylor – textile designer and complex weaver including “origami” style

Dec.  17, 2015    Holiday Party

Jan. 21, 2016     Youngmin Lee – Bojagi, the Korean Art of Wrapping Cloths

Feb. 25, 2016     Dorothy Thursby – Guild member, weaving in Peru, and tapestry

Mar. 17, 2016     Tracey Janek – Levi Jeans

Apr. 21, 2016      Michael Rohde –  textile design and tapestry

May 19, 2016     CNCH show and tell

June 16, 2016    End of season Show and Sale

July 16, 2015 – Whet Your Appetites for Fall!

At the July summer meeting, Kathleen will show parts of two videos. One hour will be devoted to Jennifer Moore on Doubleweave Basics, which will prime our pumps for the class on Doubleweave which she is teaching at the end of October.

The remainder of the meeting will be devoted to a video by Diane Totten on Woven Shibori, for those who might like a different inspiration.

The meeting will be held in our usual space, the Parish Hall at Woodside Community Church on Woodside Road in Woodside. We gather at 7 pm, please bring snacks if you have them, to give Melanie a break. The program begins at 7:30 pm. We do not intend to include a business meeting.

Jennifer Moore:

Jennifer Moore doubleweave


Student Sampler by Sidney Evans


Dianne Totten:


