All posts by Elizabeth Eddy

Aug. 20, 2015 – Book Spectacular!

This summer meeting features our Librarian, Ruth Temple, regaling us with fascinating yet little-known treasures in our own Library. She is taking this opportunity to create a virtual walk-through, and show us not only all the best books she can carry, but also a slide-show which reminds us of the “snazzy” books, special items and older but useful and inspirational magazines we have but can’t be brought to every meeting. There are also recent gifts from Ulla de Larios including hand-me-downs from the former Las Trampornas Guild.

Ruth hopes to put together for reference in the library web area, study guides, including relevant titles we have, of popular subjects such as dying, basic weaving, Inkle, complex braiding, and the like, which will improve our use of library holdings.

This meeting will be held in our usual location, the parish hall of Woodside Community Church on Woodside Rd. in Woodside. Dinner reservations will be made as usual for Buck’s Restaurant starting at 5:30 pm that evening. Y’all come to that as well! If you have a snack to share, please bring that as well, so we can give Melanie a summer break!

Show and Tell, April 16, 2015



This rug sampler by Kathleen was begun in the Beginning Rug Weaving class with Jason Collingwood in August 2014. Kathleen is showing how she turned up one end and sewed along the edges to create a pocket in this wall hanging application.

Kathy L. and Ruth display their adventures in Nuno Felting, from the class led by Carin Engen in March.













Photos of felted purses did not turn out well.  But Cookie brought an experimental length of weaving she fashioned from tidbits of fiber leftover from the  …




Natasha Foucault – April 16, 2015

Russian-born Natasha Foucault has gained world-wide recognition for her luminous paintings on silk and wearable art. She has exhibited and sold her work both locally and internationally, including residential and corporate commissions. Her book, “Silk Diary”, contains more than 80 color plates featuring her colorful and unique work. She has a website at, and markets her many products for silk painting at She also has a YouTube video at


bio_pic Natasha Foucault








Reservations will be made for dinner at Buck’s Restaurant, 362 Woodside Rd, beginning at 5:30pm. Please join us when you can. Our meeting location at The Woodside Village Church, 3154 Woodside Rd., will be opened by 7pm for gathering. The meeting and program begin at 7:30 pm. We break for refreshments about 8:30 pm, and finish with a brief business meeting. Do come!

At the meeting, Natasha had silk paintings to show us, as well as many beautiful garments.



Natasha Painting






















Natasha also showed us multiple ways to wear her airy creations, which led to Guild members such as Linda trying them out.


CNCH 2015 Show and Tell Spectacular – May 21, 2015

Our Guild is one of the responsible participants in this year’s CNCH conference at Asilomar, April 9-12. As well as taking creative leadership in several areas, we also have the opportunity for fun and learning. This meeting, the first after the conference, we look forward to devoting extensive Show-and-Tell by guild members who tackled classes at this event, and of course whatever other show and tell items that guild members want to bring for our enjoyment.

Reservations will be made for dinner at Buck’s Restaurant, 362 Woodside Rd, beginning at 5:30pm. Please join us when you can. Our meeting location at The Woodside Village Church, 3154 Woodside Rd., will be opened by 7pm for gathering. The meeting and program begin at 7:30 pm. We break for refreshments about 8:30 pm, and finish with a brief business meeting. Do come!








Remember June 18, Election & Sale

Final Meeting of ’14-’15 Season

Show and Tell, Feb. 19, 2015


Joan Ferguson wearing a scarf she made from fiber dyed at the Theresa Rusch workshop in 2014. She is standing in front of chasubles brought in by the pastor of her church to show examples related to the Weaving for Worship program Feb. 19, 2015.



Assorted stoles used as examples during the program.



A portion of a large wall hanging by Gloria Miller.

“Still Smitten” – Thursday, March 19, 2015

“An Overview of Overshot: What it is and Why it’s Worth a Visit”

Our program this month features our own and present President Barbie Paulsen. Her topic, complete with hands-on experience, is Overshot. She says the structure caught her eye when she was eight years old and first exposed to floor looms. “After decades of revisiting this versatile weave, it still hasn’t lost its charm”

In this program she will speak both to beginners and to more experienced weavers. She will touch on what overshot is, and how the weave structure is accomplished through the threading and the treading. She also shows how varied overshot can be, depending on the colors, fibers and density of the weave. Samples of overshot, from traditional coverlet to more intricate modern applications, will be available to see and touch.

As a bonus, she will bring a loom to the meeting, warped with an overshot pattern so that anyone who wants to can give it a whirl. It could be a surprise to see how easily complex patterns can be accomplished with just four shafts.



Dinner reservations will be made at Buck’s Restaurant on Woodside Road beginning at 5:30 pm before the meeting. All are welcome to attend, they are happy to expand our tables!  Our meeting location in the Parish Hall at Woodside Church is opened about 7 pm. The program starts at 7:30 and lasts about an hour, followed by refreshments, then Show-and-Tell and a brief business agenda.

“Weaving for Worship” – Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015

This program will feature handwoven tallitot by Jodi Paley:
















Reading 1

Her website, at, describes her many years of self-directed study, moving into individually commissioned tallitot, as well as other applications of weaving, shows and sales. See other pictures of her work there.

She has also been awarded the Reader’s Choice top Jewish artist/craftsperson for South Bay in 2011 from J Weekly.

Elizabeth Eddy will exhibit a collection of stoles in a variety of fiber media, used in worship in the Episcopal church. Elizabeth is a natural dilettante, resulting mostly in mixed-media expression. Since 2002 she has been a Beginning Weaver. Her interest in fiber and professional experience teaching philosophical aesthetics  lead her to present and comment on the work of others, especially fiber artists.


Both presentations are aimed at stimulating your creative juices and opening an avenue of creativity which may be new to some of you.

Reservations will be made at Buck’s Restaurant at 5:30 pm before the meeting, all are welcome to come. Buck’s is happy to add more tables to our usual cluster. The Parish Hall at Woodside Community Church, on Woodside Avenue, will be opened by 7 pm so we can gather and chat. The program will run from 7:30 to 8:30 pm, followed by refreshments and a brief business meeting.

Felted Ruffles

Felted Ruffles and Holes

Class description

Learn to manipulate wool fibers to make ruffles and holes. Different wools shrink at different rates. The direction you lay out the fibers also determines how the wool shrinks. With that knowledge you can manipulate the layout of the wool to make great ruffles. Add resists to make layered ruffles. Makes holes to add interest. This is a great opportunity to learn more about how to plan your scarf so when it shrinks it will be the correct length and width.

Class length-6 hours

Materials provided – Material fee will vary depending on the project. Approximately $25.00 (3 ounces will make a scarf approximately 64”x7”).



Students need to bring;

2 old towels


Embellishments of your choice.


Classroom requirements;

Each student needs a long table at least 6’ long.
